Mon - Fri 9:00 - 17:00

Author: gillhudsoncopywriter

12 Page Brochure

When I worked for Dudson, I received a brief to design a 12 page brochure. The brochure was to promote one particular product range, so had to highlight the main features. It also had to look pretty (along the lines of a coffee table book),...

More homophones!

Judging by the response to my last blog about ‘there, their and they’re’, words that sound the same but have different meanings is a hot topic for everyone and well worth another blog post! So, here are some more homophones, starting with ‘to, too and…

Common errors in grammar (part 2)

In this blog post, the second highlighting common errors in grammar, I am going to address the regular misuse of ‘there, their and they’re’. The confusion here stems from these words being homophones (they sound the same, but have different meanings.) Therefore, I thought that…

Is Coronavirus changing us?

Is Coronavirus changing us? My tribulations seem insignificant when compared to our current situation, so I haven’t written a blog for awhile. Watching the news daily can prove to be distressing and depressing in equal measure. When the virus first came here, bulletins reflected selfish…

Common errors in grammar

My business (and passion!), is writing marketing copy. I think it is interesting to note a few common errors that crop up on a regular basis: Your and you’re Of and have I have touched upon a couple of examples in an earlier blog, (I…

Post-Christmas Blues!

Does anyone have a cure for the post-Christmas blues? Or, like me are you holiday-browsing? Madly running around filling your life with lots of new hobbies or tasks because you feel bereft? So much focus goes into preparing for Christmas, with days filled with activities…