abc copywriting helps your business to stand out
Do you need written content for your website or online and offline marketing projects? Whatever the project, abc copywriting helps your business to stand out!
You may have had your website designed or redesigned, but is it just sitting there, waiting for you to add the words? How can you find the time to write a website when you are busy running your business? Or, you may have written a few blogs when your website first launched, but have been unable to find time to keep that momentum going?
This is where abc copywriting can help!
Or, maybe you have written something, but you are unsure how to incorporate keywords, or whether the grammar is correct?
No problem!
I can work from bullet points or edit written text to make sure it is error-free, consistent in style and grammatically correct. I have written copy for lots of business owners who just didn’t have the time or confidence to write themselves. Moreover, I work with my clients to make sure their marketing content is clear, concise, consistent and above all, customer-focused. In short, I help businesses with their marketing copy, creating content for brochures, leaflets, sales promotions, flyers, blogs and websites.
Why not get in touch today to find out how abc copywriting helps your business to stand out?
A chat about your project costs nothing. I provide a quote based on our chat.
If you have questions, please take a look at my FAQ page.
Please Note: You can see examples of previous projects on my portfolio page, although I can only show a few projects because most of my clients request that I sign a non-disclosure (NDA) agreement. I have to make sure that I respect these confidentiality clauses, so I cannot always divulge information about recent projects. However, some clients have kindly written testimonials about working with me (read below.)
To-do list, or not a to-do list?
Does this picture look familiar or are you a person who has a to-do list for everything? This subject has cropped up a couple of times recently in online meetings and with LinkedIn contacts, so I thought it could be a good time to write…
What is a case study?
What is a case study? If you run a small business, you know how important word-of-mouth recommendations are for gaining new clients. Testimonials and quotes from those using your products act as a verbal recommendation to others. In the same way, showing how your products…
Why grammar matters
Why grammar matters I know that my profession is all about working with words, but surely I cannot be alone in wondering why grammar matters? Online shops trying to sell me their products are just not going to win my business if their website is…
How do you stand out from your competitors?
Your customers are bombarded with information every minute of every day. You have one chance to to grab their attention and create that first connection.
About me
I am a creative marketing professional with 20+ years’ experience in marketing communications
How did I become a copywriter?
My route into marketing was not a straightforward one! I had my own catering business at 25, so have experienced first-hand many of the time issues that business owners experience. Above all, I understand the pain points and frustrations of running a business. I gave up my business and went to university at the age of 32, and never looked back. I have specialised in marketing communications ever since!
During the last 20+ years, I have written for businesses in the retail and B2B sectors as well as organisations in the public sector. Written projects have been many and varied:
- Websites and blogs
- Trade magazine articles
- Case studies
- Product descriptions
- Press releases
- Promotions
- Advertisements
- Catalogues
- Corporate communications
- Internal communications
I have even written a factory tour, a speech for the deputy leader of a large midlands' council and a video script!
You can be confident that I will create web pages and blogs your customers can relate to. From the creation of original copy to checking and proofreading your existing materials, (both online and offline), I write text that is:
- Clear and concise
- Compelling
- Error-free (spelling and grammar)
- Consistent in style
- Accurately reflects brand values
- Talks directly to your target audience
Get in touch today to find out how abc copywriting can help your business to stand out!

I offer the following professional services to help your business to stand out:
abc copywriting can help your business stand out by creating original content created for your project and written to your specific brief.
Checking your existing content for style, tone of voice, spelling, grammar and typing errors. Making sure your text is concise and to the point, eliminating waffle.
Checking your content for errors in grammar and spelling. Checking that the text makes sense to the reader.